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Mid Suffolk VASP



If you wish to join the Mid Suffolk VASP, or to find out the details for forthcoming meetings, please contact Irene Tibbenham, voluntary Chair, or Gareth Moir, voluntary Vice Chair. 




Mid Suffolk locality VASP meetings take place monthly on the first Tuesday or Thursday of the month.


Please contact Irene Tibbenham for details: 



1.30pm - 3pm

Meetings currently take place online over MS Teams.


For details of past meeting notes, please contact the Mid Suffolk locality VASP Chair, Vice Chair or VASP Coordinator.



Irene Tibbenham:


Vice Chair

Gareth Moir:



"Attending the Mid-Suffolk VASP, on behalf of Suffolk User Forum, gives me a chance to spread the word about what we do, and also to network with other voluntary and statutory partners."


Nigel Moyes, Suffolk User Forum (SUF)

Who's involved


Anglia Care Trust

Babergh District Council

The Bridge Project

Citizens Advice Bureau

Enigma Peer Support Group

Healthwatch Suffolk


Julian Support

Live Well Suffolk


Mid Suffolk District Council


Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)

Raedan Trust


Shaw Trust


Stowmarket Deanery

Suffolk Coalition of Disabled People

Suffolk County Council

Suffolk Family Carers

Suffolk Mind

Suffolk Constabulary

Suffolk User Forum (SUF)

Suffolk's Libraries IPS Limited

The Befriending Scheme

Thornham Walks

Together for Mental Wellbeing







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