Suffolk Voluntary and Statutory Partnership
Working together for Mental Health
Suffolk Voluntary and Statutory Partnership
Working together for better Mental Health
Where people work together for better services to support people's mental health and wellbeing across Suffolk, in their local communities
Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @oursuffolkvasp
Suffolk VASP Privacy Statement
Dear Supporter of the Suffolk VASP,
The Suffolk VASP is committed to maintaining confidentiality. All information about you is not shared with anyone outside of the Suffolk VASP; the VASP's Co-ordinator, the Lead person and the VASP Locality Group Co-Chairs. The Suffolk VASP maintains a list of supporters, we use a third-party service called Mailchimp to hold this information, and from Mailchimp we circulate news sharing messages.
On 25th May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into law. The VASP has a responsibility to carefully consider and inform people how we process their personal data.
As you are a supporter of the Suffolk VASP (Voluntary and Statutory Partnership) we hold and process some personal information about you; your name, your e-mail address, the name of the organisation you belong to and your role (if applicable), a contact phone number if you have chosen to share this.
The information we hold about our supporters is to enable the VASP to circulate, usually by e-mail, news relevant to mental health and wellbeing in Suffolk.
The VASP's Co-Chairs (usually two per Locality Group) hold a list of supporters of the VASP who are in their local area, this enables a Co-Chair to circulate their Locality Group's Agenda and/or Minutes, by e-mail. Names and contact details for each Co-Chair can be found under the Locality VASP's heading on the homepage.
Having consulted the guidance provided by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), the lawful basis for the VASP to be holding and processing data is our 'Legitimate Interests'. Details about Legitimate Interests can be found on the ICO's website, link as follows;
The Suffolk VASP has completed a Legitimate Interests Assessment, please contact the VASP Co-ordinator, or the VASP Lead, and we shall readily share a copy.
The Healthwatch Suffolk Privacy Notice can be read on their website at www.healthwatchsuffolk.co.uk
If at any time you wish to unsubscribe please contact the VASP Co-ordinator, Julia Carr. e-mail; julia.carr@healthwatchsuffolk.co.uk
The Lead Person for the Suffolk VASP is Gill Jones, e-mail; VASPChair@healthwatchsuffolk.co.uk